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Thursday, 20 April 2017

Mars and the solar system



The solar system (solar family) is define as;- The specific area in which Everything travels around the Sun is called solar system or solar family. The amazing fact is that the shape of our solar system is elliptical. It has been made before 4.64 billion years with the Sun.

Meaning of everything, the intention of every things is that ( group of....Sun, all planets, all moons, all comets, all asteroids, all minor planets, all dwarf planets, all satellites, and many hidden objects) revolves in their elliptical orbits. Formation cause is collapse of a giant molecular cloud, mass began to gather at the center and it convert into sun.

The solar system
The Solar system

The system managements and law and order of our Solar system (solar family) is just like our family system's and rules. Let us example, imagine our solar system is just like our home,  wheres we live and travel around the home. The grandfather of this home is like as sun, and people of this home are like as planets, and the people's sons are like as moon, and the other things of this home can be behave as (comets, asteroids, minor planets and satellites etc.). We follow, live, and obey the Grandfather's orders. We have to live and travel under the Grandfather's rules around the home like as planets do around the Sun. And our child follows, obeys their parents as well as their grandfather rules.they lives and travels  around us as well as around the Grandfather in this specific home area, like moon revolves around the Earth as well as around the Sun.

Sun is the most impotent part of our solar system. It is at the center of the solar system. Yes we can say sun is the parent of the Solar system, all planets, sub planets, asteroids, combats, dwarf planets have to obey and follow the Sun's law and order. And all planets, sub planets, asteroids, combats, dwarf planets are the members of this family (solar family). There are eight planes (  Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune )  in our solar system and one dwarf planet (Pluto).

The solar system
The Solar system

In our solar system eight planets or nine......?

The solar system
The solar system
In 1930 when Pluto had discovered, we all red in our school, college, or home there are nine planets in our solar system. When 1990s came and astronomers began to argue about Pluto whether is it plane or not. After controversial discussion lot, it decided by the I.A.U ( International Astronomical Union ) it is a dwarf planet in 2006. Now Pluto known as dwarf planet.   

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Planet order from sun for kids

The Life and The Sun


the sun, life, solar system
The Sun

Lets us think, 


If there is no sun then what will happen?

Suppose... All Hydrogen of the Sun convert into Helium suddenly, then it  will start to lose their balance (will lose all kinds of banding, bonding, orbital, gravitational, centripetal and centrifugal forces, and solar system rules) and start to fly in space. After that all planets also lose (will lose all kinds of banding, bonding, orbital, gravitational, centripetal and centrifugal forces, and solar system rules) and will start to fly in space and begin to collide to each other.

When all hydrogen of sun convert  into helium, then we lose not only our this solar family (solar system) rather than we lose our Milky way, Galaxy, life of all creatures of solar system. Every planets, sub planets, combats, stars, earth will start to collide to each other, and after this collision every things will be destroyed, and we loss our these beautiful planets (solar family) with beautiful life for ever.


the sun
Our solar family (solar system)

So we can not imagine life without solar system, most specially without sun. because sun is not only secret of our lives. It is also secrets of all creatures on this planet (Earth). Because all things in our universe attach to each other with a fixed agreements, they totally depended to each other, so they can not break that fixed agreements. We all are tied to alliance of each other like a train bogies in a chain, e.g, like as alliances of many countries to each other


the life
Leafs making their food from sunlight

the solar system
Animals eating grasses


We totally depends on sun. Let us see if there is no sun, all trees on this earth will begin to vanish very soon, because trees totally depends on sun. We and our water system totally depends sun as well as trees also. Without trees every living things (Human, Animals, Birds, Insects, Fish)  will begin to die, its will harm mountain also, and without mountains the gravitational system of this planet will begin to disturb totally. When earth  destroyed, moon will be vanished automatically, like as every planet will disturbed automatically.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Mission space for students

The Solar Hero. (The Sun)

What is the Sun....?


Actually The Sun is just a star of about billions stars in our galaxy, at the center of the solar family (Solar system).


Sun is the main part of solar family and most important needs for our planet (The Earth). Because  the main source of energy for this earth is the Sun.


Sun is the central part of our solar family (Solar system), it lies in orian arm of milky way galaxy.


There are nine major planets around the Sun in their respective orbits, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto (no longer an official planet).


Every planets, sub planets revolve around the sun in their respective elliptical orbit in a fix rate. The nearest planet from the sun is Mercury, and the fares planet is Neptune. And the positions of our earth from the sun is third. the nearest star of sun is proxima century.


Sun consumes approx 4.0 million tons hydrogen per second, In which compositions created by sun are, 75% hydrogen, 23% helium, and 2% heavier elements.


Sun is the largest object in solar family, and it contain 99.86% of total mass of solar system. And rest contain by Jupiter.


The age of sun  is approx 4.6 billion years old, and probably that it will be continue exist more 5 billion years from present be converting of hydrogen in to helium.


The sun's light reach on the earth in (there are some opinions on the basis of researchers) a. 8min 20sec,  b. 8min 17 sec,  c. 8min 9sec. c is the recently research result.


The sun diameter is 1,390,000 km, And  Its core temperature is 15 million ºC. and the mass of sun is 1.989e30kg.


In which  surface temperature is 5,500 ºC. Cooler (3,800 ºC) surface areas are called sun spots.


The sun radiates heat and a steady stream of charged particles known as the solar wind, which blows about 280 miles (450 kilometers) per second throughout the solar system.


Solar flares are jets of particles that burst from the sun and can disrupt satellite communications and knock out electricity on Earth.


the sun, solar system
Earth in compare of sun.

the sun, solar system
Solar family in row.

the sun, solar system
The sun.

the sun, solar system
Inside layer of the Sun.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

What is light for all

 Dual nature of Light  

(a) Particle   (b) Wave

Light has dual nature particle (photon) as well as wave.


What is Photon. Photon is define as, very very tiny (smallest) particle/packet of energy. The rest mass of photon is zero.

What is wave. Wave is define as, A wave can be described as a disturbance that travels through a medium from one location to another location.


Albert Einstein's photoelectric effect experiment proves that light can behave as a particle while 


Thomas Young's double-slit experiment shows that it also behaves as a wave.

Albert Einstein proved that in 1905, light could behave as a particle by showing that a beam of light could eject electrons from metal when a suitable radiation (invisible ray) fall on metal, This suggested that light consisted of photons that could eject electrons of similar frequency. Einstein's discovery altered the prevalent theory at the time, which held that light was only a wave.

And light has the wave nature also, it has proved earlier by Young in 1801. In his experiment, Young shone light between two parallel slits, causing the light waves to interfere with each other and form a patter of dark and light bands. If light was primarily a particle, it would have formed two parallel lines.

Quantum mechanics explains the duality of light by describing it as a wave-packet. A wave-packet refers to waves that may interact either as spatially localized, acting as particle, or interacting like waves. This means light photons can either act as a particle or wave, depending on the circumstances.


Wave, electromagnetic wave, wave example
Making wave by rope

Making wave by water

Wave, electromagnetic wave, wave example
Wave example

Wave, electromagnetic wave, wave example
Electromagnetic wave

electromagnetic wave
Electromagnetic wave

Wave, electromagnetic wave, wave example
Wave details

Wave, electromagnetic wave, wave example
Wave example

Wave, electromagnetic wave, wave example
Electromagnetic wave

Wave, electromagnetic wave, wave example
Electromagnetic wave

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Visible light definition and energy

The Light energy


We can not see the energy by our naked eyes except one type of energy known as sun light,  this is the only type of energy which is visible for human eyes. But other animals can see hidden part of lights.


The beam of light, actually it is mix up of different colors, that why every colors has different wavelength to other. Some has longest wavelength some has shortest wavelength.


Sun is the biggest source of light energy. While is millions of mile far from us, it emits huge amount of light energy.


The fastest things on this earth is speed of light, which travels 300000 km/s in air.  This is faster than the speed of anything else! But speed of light is not same every where, it began to change during change of mediums. The speed fasted speed of light are, vacuum> air> water> glass> and so on.


All things ( all living things, human, animals, fishes, trees, rivers, mountains, etc) which are surviving on this planet cant be survive without sun light.


Trees absorb light energy from sun, convert it into making  their food, Humans and animals would be unable to see anything without light energy.

  Other source of light are street bulb or home bulb and fire, torch.


sun light and energy
Animals in field with sunlight

sun light and energy
Flowers with sunlight

sun light and energy
Illuminated bulb

sun light and energy
Light dark combination

sun light and energy
Leaf making food under sunlight

sun light and energy
Tiger under sunlight

Monday, 3 April 2017

Shadow games


Shadows are nothings, but it just black images of every opaque body made by stopping lights to pass through it.


Opaque objects is define as, all those object are said to be an opaque object  from which no light can pass through it. e.g, tree, book, table, home, umbrella, car etc.


There are no fix shape and size of shadow of any opaque object, shadows can change their shape and size place to place, time to time. But we know that an opaque object cant change their shape and size during time or place change.


Do you know why size and shape of shadows change? The size and shape of the shadow depends on the angle at which the light is falling on the object. 


Our shadow keeps changing in whole day. In the early morning  it will be the longest and, when the sun is overhead there is little or no shadow at all. Why? The position of sun changes throughout the day, thus changing the angle at which the rays fall on the ground.In ancient time people tracked the length of shadows throughout the day to keep track of time. The world’s earliest clock was a sun clock.


But one thing is amazing that the color of every opaque objects shadows are same, weather object is colorful or plane or have one color only. All have the same color of shadow that is dark (colorless).

light and shadow

light and shadow

light and shadow

light and shadow

light and shadow

light and shadow

light and shadow